Personal Injury Attorney in Colorado Springs

Personal Injury Law Firm

We understand trust is everything. With our firm, you can expect client-focused representation on your matter. We provide our clients with personal attention at reasonable rates so you are able to work directly with your lawyers throughout the entire process. We know the importance of putting your case in trustworthy hands and we are humbled and serious about making sure your case receives the attention and focus it deserves. Contact our Local Colorado Springs CO personal injury lawyers today!



Call us today to set up an appointment: 719-301-7500



What happens during a personal injury lawsuit?

Each personal injury case is unique and may take several months or even years to resolve. Typically, a case will go through the following PRE-LITIGATION and then, if we cannot resolve it by settlement, LITIGATION STAGES.

Announcement: Most personal injury cases are pursued against an insurance company, not an individual. Yes, it was a person who broke the rules of safety and caused your injuries, but we are not trying to bankrupt that person. Usually, the person who violated the rule and caused you harm is protected by an insurance company. We are not trying to ruin someone’s life by bringing a claim on your behalf. We are trying to get their insurance company to compensate you for your losses. The American system of justice provides a remedy to your losses—money damages. We typically rely on an insurance company to live up to its end of the contract and pay for harms and losses caused by its insured.

Pre-Litigation Stage

This is the time between when you hire us and a lawsuit is considered. Many cases are settled during this timeframe.

  • Investigation – The first phase of your case is a time when we figure out whether you have a good case. We will be looking into the details of the injury event (crash, slip and fall, medical negligence, etc.). We will get the Traffic Crash Report, photographs of the property damage and your injuries, videos of the injury event, and insurance coverage for the person at fault. Remember, we are not typically suing the individual who was negligent in causing your injuries, we are looking at his or her insurance company to compensate you for your losses.
  • Treatment – While we are investigating your case, you are in the treatment phase of your case. We want you to get better. We want you to get evaluated thoroughly by qualified medical professionals so that your injuries are properly documented for the insurance company to consider. We will work with your medical providers to make sure that you are being seen and your injuries are taken seriously. Having an injury overlooked is detrimental to your health and your case. We will help you get the medical treatment you need.
  • Record – When your doctor releases you, we are going to get a complete and official copy of your medical records and bills. We usually get imaging (X-rays, MRIs, etc.) as well. It is important that the insurance company has everything it needs to properly evaluate your damages.
  • Demand Preparation – This is when we put the demand package together and send it to the insurance company. We will discuss your personal losses before we finalize the demand package so that we can convey how your injuries have impacted your life, your humanity, your family, and your joy. We put that all together and send it to the insurance company with a deadline to respond with a settlement offer.
  • Negotiation – The insurance company will not always accept your demand. If they offer something less than demanded, we negotiate with them, pointing out the strengths of your case and shining a light on the truth of how much you have been affected by the injuries caused through the negligence of their insured and how the law demands justice in your favor.
  • Settlement – If we reach an agreement with the insurance company, you agree to accept an amount of money in exchange for filing a lawsuit. You get money in your pocket, everyone gets paid and you are square with the world. Our goal is that you are “made whole” under the law and that you can now put this experience behind you and move on with your life.

Litigation Stage

This means we were not able to come to a settlement in the pre-litigation stage, and you have chosen to file a lawsuit. This is your choice. Just because you file a lawsuit does not mean you will go to trial. In fact, most cases are settled before going to trial.

  • File Complaint – The Complaint is the first document filed to start a lawsuit. It sets forth the facts and legal theories under which you are entitled to justice, a remedy at law. If the claim was being considered by an unreasonable insurance adjuster in the Pre-Litigation phase, the Complaint usually gets the case assigned to a new adjuster and a lawyer. You get a fresh evaluation of your case. Sometimes, that is enough to get a reasonable settlement offer.
  • Case Management Plan – After we file the Complaint and we have it served on the Defendant, an attorney is provided to them by their insurance company. We then work with this attorney to develop a plan for deadlines for the steps in preparing for trial.
  • Discovery – This is where we request documents and information from the other side and subpoena records from third parties. We conduct depositions, hire experts to review your case, file motions, and work to build a solid case for trial.
  • Mediation – The court will order that you and the defendant attend mediation to try to settle the case before trial. During mediation, a negotiator will help both sides come together, pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of the case. Most cases are settled at mediation.
  • Trial – If no settlement is reached in mediation, the lawsuit will proceed to trial. A jury will hear your case and determine how much money you receive. At Maher and Maher, we are trial attorneys, and we have a lot of experience in trial. This is where you don’t want a “settlement” attorney, but you need a trial lawyer. Trials are a battle, and you will need lawyers who have combat experience to take your case to a successful verdict.
  • Post-Trial – After the jury hands down your verdict, we petition the court to add interest and costs of litigation to the verdict amount. Once the court decides the final judgment, we submit that judgment to the insurance company for payment, and your case is over (unless there is an appeal). Our goal is that you are “made whole” at this point, having all your injuries, harms, and losses recognized and compensated under the law.


If you were injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, we will work hard to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries
Being hit by an 18-wheeler big rig can cause serious injuries, if not death. We can help you fight back and get what you deserve.
Motorcycles have a right to be on the road! If you have been injured by a careless driver, we can help you recover full compensation.
If you’ve been injured on someone else’s property, we will see to it that you get compensated to fullest extent for your injuries.
Workplace injuries can be caused by many things and we will fight to get what you deserve to get your life back on track.
The untimely death of a loved one can be devastating and debilitating but we can help you get the compensation your family needs for your future.
Brain injuries run the gamut from mild to severe but no matter the severity our personal injury attorney will help get the compensation you deserve.
Insurance companies have laws and rules they must follow too. Our personal injury attorney can assess if you may have a claim for bad faith against an insurance company.


Call us today to set up an appointment: 719-301-7500